Sunday, February 13, 2011


Been pretty anti-social lately. I don't even want to leave my home. Which I do for work and not much else these days. It happens nearly every wintertime...

Anyway, just an update.. I haven't been out for a run in a week or so.. and feel pretty crappy about it. I think I need to change up a few things in my life. I would like to change my diet to reflect a healthier me. That requires a strong will and determination.

I've been looking for something to track my runs and perhaps what I eat and I stumbled upon a wonderful little thing at Barnes and Nobles - the Moleskine Wellness Journal.  It has pretty much opened my eyes to how horrible my diet is every day! I have to stop being lazy and actually start planning my b/l/d's and snacks. I just allow myself to eat whatever whenever and it has to stop! Not. Healthy.

And also, lots of information in regards to meat eating... I am thinking about possibly going vege/pesca-tarian.. but the support at home is pretty much a 0% so.. I guess I will be attempting that on my own. Hum.

Anyway... Maybe tomorrow I will actually be able to get up early and do something productive so I can uplift this dark cloud that's been holding me down. :( I hate gloomy winters.

1 comment:

  1. I pretty much eat a pescatarian diet, with some VERY occasional chicken thrown in. But to be fair I've never really liked meat in general and only in the last 5 years have I really liked get used to it but it might be hard if you do like meat in the first place.
