Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Saturday: I actually did not end up watching a VHS, because my friend called me up to go to the gym! I jogged about 3.5 miles in a little less than 40 minutes. That's including the slow warm up and cool down :) Then I did a good 10 minutes of stretching, which felt AWESOME after the intense jog :)

Sunday: I was lazy. ... I mean, I rested my body. :)

Monday: I woke up early to get some morning jogging out of the way. 33 minutes, 3.2 miles

Today: I WATCHED ALADDIN!! That is THE BEST Disney movie to watch while running!! Such a fun upbeat soundtrack, and Aladdin must have ADHD  or something because he never stops moving! His running and jumping antics WHILE SINGING - WOW how can that NOT be inspirational??
So inspirational that even though I didn't have much time, I ran 2.5 miles in 30 minutes (kind of slow because part of my exercise was going uphill (10-12% incline) at only 4 mph. :)

Also my Nike Plus has not been calibrated to my stride yet. I have yet to run on a track.

Where do you run? Do you run with music/reading/tv to distract you, or do you use running to focus more on your self?

Did you think I was going to forget to weigh-in?? It's Tuesday, I look forward to it now!

4th week weigh-in - 11.02.02:
134.4 lbs / 33.1% fat / 49.5% water / 38.8% muscle


  1. niiice!! i wanna run with you when i get to seattle!! i actually like running =) i mean i don't really have a tactic or anything, but i love listening to music and dreaming my future, loll~ have never really had a video accessible while running so haven't experienced watchinga movie while running yet, but yea!! you're just as much of an inspiration to me!! love u!! and keep up the good work =)!!

  2. oops~ i meant dreaming about my future while i listen to dance music or sumthing, haha or happy music =p

  3. I always run outside/ rain/shine/ occasional snow. Except if it's super windy, I don't dig that. I always listen to classical music because I use running to relax and have some qt with my doggies.
