Wednesday, February 16, 2011


In a slump. But I jogged this morning! 1.5 miles uphill (treadmill) for 30 minutes...

Do you get a slump or inexplicably down during the winter? I do. I've pretty much been in hibernation/stuffing face with junk mode.... aaaaaaand it didn't make me feel good. Surprise?

I am going to watch Food, Inc. with a couple friends and help a friend make some vegan food for dinner on Saturday. :) I'm scared and excited!

Let's see what I am getting myself into.... :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Been pretty anti-social lately. I don't even want to leave my home. Which I do for work and not much else these days. It happens nearly every wintertime...

Anyway, just an update.. I haven't been out for a run in a week or so.. and feel pretty crappy about it. I think I need to change up a few things in my life. I would like to change my diet to reflect a healthier me. That requires a strong will and determination.

I've been looking for something to track my runs and perhaps what I eat and I stumbled upon a wonderful little thing at Barnes and Nobles - the Moleskine Wellness Journal.  It has pretty much opened my eyes to how horrible my diet is every day! I have to stop being lazy and actually start planning my b/l/d's and snacks. I just allow myself to eat whatever whenever and it has to stop! Not. Healthy.

And also, lots of information in regards to meat eating... I am thinking about possibly going vege/pesca-tarian.. but the support at home is pretty much a 0% so.. I guess I will be attempting that on my own. Hum.

Anyway... Maybe tomorrow I will actually be able to get up early and do something productive so I can uplift this dark cloud that's been holding me down. :( I hate gloomy winters.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday and Friday

Bear with me. I have not had the best ending to my week!

So I will make this rather pain-free.

Thursday I jogged about 3 miles in 45 minutes in my Vibrams (including a period of time going 4mph at an incline of 10%)

This morning I ran with my pup on the treadmill watching the last half of Aladdin (still one of the best movies of ALL TIME!!) and we did a nice and steady 3.5 miles in about 30 minutes, not going below 5mph after my warm up :) In my Nikes.

I don't know what I'm doing, but when I wear my Vibrams, the inside of my knees hurt, and when I wear my Nikes, the front bottom portion of my knee hurts. My lower back is also sore today. Hm.

Oh well, getting up in the morning and getting the blood pumping makes the rest of my day a little easier to handle. I take out much of my I'm-not-a-morning-person grumpiness on the run, and I think I'm probably a much easier person to deal with (generally.) :)

I may need to get up and outside this weekend. Maybe a hike is in order... good think I live closer to the mountains, no excuses! (Unless it's pouring. I dislike mud very much) :D

OH and Thursday evening I donated a PINT OF BLOOD! I can tell you my horror stories and why I haven't donated in nearly 10 years, but let me just say... YOU GET FREE COOKIES! The Puget Sound Blood Center on First Hill has all-you-can-eat COUGAR MOUNTAIN COOKIES!!! :) Yum! AND I didn't puke or faint this time! Let me know if you're going to donate, what an easy way to help others (especially in this financially difficult time when cash money isn't that easy to come by.)

Okay, I'm done rambling. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Saturday: I actually did not end up watching a VHS, because my friend called me up to go to the gym! I jogged about 3.5 miles in a little less than 40 minutes. That's including the slow warm up and cool down :) Then I did a good 10 minutes of stretching, which felt AWESOME after the intense jog :)

Sunday: I was lazy. ... I mean, I rested my body. :)

Monday: I woke up early to get some morning jogging out of the way. 33 minutes, 3.2 miles

Today: I WATCHED ALADDIN!! That is THE BEST Disney movie to watch while running!! Such a fun upbeat soundtrack, and Aladdin must have ADHD  or something because he never stops moving! His running and jumping antics WHILE SINGING - WOW how can that NOT be inspirational??
So inspirational that even though I didn't have much time, I ran 2.5 miles in 30 minutes (kind of slow because part of my exercise was going uphill (10-12% incline) at only 4 mph. :)

Also my Nike Plus has not been calibrated to my stride yet. I have yet to run on a track.

Where do you run? Do you run with music/reading/tv to distract you, or do you use running to focus more on your self?

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I feel a LOT better! My throat is starting to hurt less, and I feel good today!

My treadmill is in front of a TV that has basic digital tv (just hooked into the wall) so I watch news in the mornings, but there's really nothing else on during the day.

LUCKILY for me, it has a VCR player attached to it! Now, what shall I watch?

Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella (Roger and Hammerstein's/Brandy's), Pocahontas, Mulan, or The Little Mermaid?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I don't know about you, but I hate computer glitches that cause me to re-write anything that I've spent time to type. Whether that's an email, a facebook note, or a blog post.

I thought I saved it, but I guess it did not!! So I will keep it short and sweet.

Tuesday my pup and I ran 30+mins on the treadmill on a 0-4% incline at about 4 - 5.6mph. He's getting skinnier, I need to up his food intake :)

Today my body is exhausted and even last night I knew I was going to let today be an "off-day". I am so glad because I am still tired and I think I may be getting a bit sick.... there's a soreness in my throat, but not much else. I want to fight it before it gets any worse.

Tomorrow I'm going to go take a salsa dance lesson at night!  It will be my first time, so wish my partners luck, they are going to need it! :D

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Playing Catch-Up!

So I have a pre-train schedule. Which I have NOT been following! But the most important thing is that I've been running regularly 4-5 days a week for the past 2 weeks! I'm so proud of myself. This is the most moving and shaking I've done in years. :)  It makes it easy too because I'm not punishing myself for not going long enough, 20-30 minutes a day is so easy - it seems so short! :) No need for 2 hour jog/hikes where I feel like I'm going to pass out and need a whole week to recover from the paaaaaiiiinnnn.

This morning Jampo and I actually got up and went outside!  It was a nice not-too-chilly misty morning.  I bundled up with my layers and a headband for my ears.  There are LOTS of ladies walking their doggies in the morning here.  Good thing that I had a backpack on my pup, otherwise our walk would have had many more distractions. He knows that when the backpack goes on, it's business time!

Today is supposed to be an "off" day, but I was making up for not running this weekend. I went hill-jogging/quick walking around my neighborhood in my Nike Pegasus+. I actually can't help but to run on hills here. I don't think there is an even-leveled block in the whole neighborhood!  The Nikes are definitely more stable, but they by far are not the MOST comfortable shoe I've ever worn.  The most comfortable shoe would be Asics Kayanos. They feel like I'm running on clouds. But I kind of like the feeling of my feet working. I don't know if that makes sense or is good/bad.. but unless I start hurting again, I think the Nikes will be fine! I initially purchased them for the Nike+ insert in the shoe, but now that I know the little removable shoe pouch works fine, I'm going to go into a running store for my next pair of shoes.

The lack of Saturday run was forgivable (I tell myself) due to the sweat-inducing Women's Self-Defense course I had at my house!  My generous friend Jee from House of Black Dragon Society came over with some of his apprentices and taught some good friends how to protect yourself against creeps. Creepy creepers with knives, guns, etc.  I hope I remember it all, as going on jogs at all times of day/night or even going to the gym can be (to say the least) a very interesting experience!

Overall a quiet, but good weekend.  Got to get to sleep so I can wake up early tomorrow for another quick jog around the neighborhood!

Or maybe another jaunt on the treadmill!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things change.

I learn.

I am a beginner. I need to TAKE. IT. SLOW.

That means not pushing myself to run more and more miles, no matter that little bit of high feeling I get when I can barely breathe.... Those are NOT what I should be doing to my body.

Reading this book has opened up a lot of insight and also chatting with very experienced runners have made me realize that pushing hard at first is NOT what you want to do, it will inevitably cause more harm and injury than any kind of good. A slow, consistent routine to get the body up to par with actually DOING the exercise helps. I did not know for example that even if the heart and lungs may feel good enough to go that quick 6mph, my slower-adapting muscles and tendons need that paced intro into the activity.

I was worried about my knees starting to feel sore, but that is a common area for beginning runners to be sore. I am definitely going to switch back into my running shoes to support those knees, and keep jogging, but now for only a maximum of 20-30 minute jaunts at a time until my whole body becomes accustomed to the activity.

I haven't had any energy or spare time to go jogging in the past couple days, or probably even tomorrow, but this gives me a nice relaxing time in bed reading my book, and I am enjoying the informative time off.

Happy Trails! :)


And that was just the running! Well, running for me is 5-6.3mph (12-10 minute miles approx), which may be a light jog for others! .5 miles was the cool down.

This time on the treadmill, instead of using one of those annoying set programs, I set my goal at 4 miles.  I need to do this every time I jump on a treadmill.  The time goes DOWN! How amazing it felt to see only 7 minutes left, only 4 minutes left! Instead of the OH-EM-GEE I've been running for HOW long??  AND if I sped up the treadmill, the time left would SHRINK! How nice! :)

Okay okay, I've been meaning to get out and run outside, but it was nice to have that time at the gym to read some of my book!

Some things I've come away with from the first 19 pages of the book:
  • Women have come into the sport of running in herds! Men's running history has been filled with a competitive nature while women find more camaraderie running with friends, training partners, etc.
  • The most important investment in your running gear are your shoes.  Expect to pay at least $80 for a good pair.
  • Since shoes are the most important investment, go to a specialist, not a big box store!  Go to a running-specific store, like Super Jock n'Jill in Greenlake. They know shoes! In fact, you can have them watch your stride and evaluate you to make sure you get the exact right shoe for you, your foot, and your training. That's where I purchased my Brooks and special insoles.
  • The next most important investment for women is their SPORTS BRA8765t43w! That's right ladies, support YOUR ladies! I'm not that well-endowed, but I have heard from some other more lucky ladies that it sucks to run because it is painful/uncomfortable/etc. You no longer need to run with two bras, there are amazing sports bras out there that wick, stick, and pick up those lady lumps into something much more manageable! (And pain-free!)
  • They also had advice on buying or not buying chronographs, heart rate monitors, gps, etc. Mostly unnecessary, although I do tend to use my Nike+ quite a bit!
On my 4+mile treadmill run today, I was mainly distracted from the time by the fun and informative book I was reading, so I only paused for a sec when I noticed my knees start to ache a bit.  I keep hearing horror stories about painful injuries that take VERY long to recover, so I stopped for a little bit to stretch out. (Remember, no bouncing when stretching, it can cause WAY more injury!)

I seemed to loosen up a little, but now I am sure I'm going to seek out a family doctor who is familiar with Sports Medicine and/or running.  I'm slowly becoming sure that the Vibrams are great to strengthen your feet, but most likely NOT good shoes for long distance the more and more I research into the topic.

I may use the Vibrams on my 2 mile days to keep the muscles strong, but anything longer than that, I think I will start training in my super supportive Brooks with additional insoles that support my feet/arches perfectly.

Now it's way past my bedtime.. I need to wake up in 5 hours to drop off the hubby at school then get to running around Seattle for a change!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Reading in front of a Fireplace

Ahh, love the winters because we can light up the fireplace and curl up with a book. I just ordered some highly-rated running books via Amazon. One is an all-about-running-for-women book called, Complete Book of Women's Running - The Best Advice to Get Started, Stay Motivated, Lose Weight, Run Injury-Free, Be Safe, and Train for Any Distance. Whew! Mouthful? It got some great reviews and it's from Runner's World. Can't go wrong, right? I'll let you know what I'm reading as I read it. :)

Another book I picked up is The (Non)Runner's Marathon Guide for Women - Get off your butt and on with your training by Dawn Dais. This book also got great reviews.  The reviews say they were inspired (Although I'm sure you're already at least thinking about running if you get this book) and also that this book is very humorous. It can't hurt to get second-hand abs from laughing!

I'm going to start with the Complete Book of Women's Running because I like to get all the technical/boring stuff down before I get on with the deliciousness of laughter and fun. Also I'm not good at reading two books at once. :)

Happy running and reading you all!

Oh! And if you were planning on buying a book (or anything else) through Amazon, there is a coupon on Livingsocial right now!! Go ahead and use my link if you like!  I know they may be having some server issues as it is a very very popular Amazon $20 for only $10 offer! Livingsocial $10 for $20 Amazon Gift Card.

Day... 6?

2.5 Miles.

Maybe I shouldn't keep track of the days, but rather the distance. I am trying to run at least 5 days a week. Yesterday I did a quick 1.25miles cause I didn't have much time. (I was lazy.)

I NEED to get outside and run, but it's sooo much easier to just run indoors on the treadmill in front of the TV. Maybe I should challenge myself. :/

Oh, and I've already received compliments! My husband has commented that my butt and legs look better! I don't know if it's the Vibrams or if it's just the fact that I went from NO activity to actually running at least a mile or two 5 days a week! What an encouragement! I do actually see a little definition starting in my thighs, what a wonderful feeling! :)

I'm writing this as I'm stretching. And now it's time to get ready for work.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Whether or not to run at all today. I spent the morning in anguish over the team that I thought would be amazing. What happened, my Seahawks? Where was that team that played with so much spirit last week? Were your tootsies cold in the snow?

Hm, if I expect that much of them, should I expect more of myself?

Okay okay, I'll get my Vibrams on and see where we go from there.

Ahhh lazy Sundays...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 5

2 Miles. Again.

I need to get outside and run. I've been too lazy/wimpy to get myself to go outside. But I am LOVING my Vibrams while running on the treadmill indoors! I did another "Aerobic Training" program on my NordicTrack (which I love) and it started out at 2.5mph and quickly moved up to 4-5mph at inclines of 4%-9%. By the end of my 30 minute program, I was jogging at 6mph at a 0-2% incline.

Yes, that's my dog running with me. I do much better when I have a running/workout partner :)  Come jog with me?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 4

2 Miles

On a Treadmill. At Home. In my Vibrams. With the company of the morning news and my dog!  He ran by my side most of the time. :)

I will attempt an outdoor run this weekend in the Vibrams!  I will have more time, and no shortage of rain.  I measured the distance from the Mercer Island Park and Ride to the 24 Hour Fitness in DT Seattle, and it's 6 miles. Hm, maybe when I am more accustomed to the 4+ milers. :)

I also washed my Vibrams this morning with a tiny bit of laundry detergent, warm water, and a toothbrush. And then squeezed a bit of water out of them before putting them upside down near the heater vent (the only warm place in my house.) Apparently they are easily machine-washable (the inside of the shoes say so!) But some reviews I've read say that machine washing makes them more prone to getting holes on the tops/sides of the shoes.  I plan on washing them at least once a week so they don't even START getting stinky... I hope. :)

By the time I got home, they were completely dry! Yay for Vibrams!

I worry about getting injured a lot because I'm pretty much going from no activity to well, an okay amount without any guidance than random online guides. Here are some tips I've heard about keeping your shins healthy or keeping the shin splints away!

Stretch and exercise the muscles around the shins all at the same time with some Heel Raises!

Time Required: 5 minutes

Here's How:

  • Stand with your heels together and toes pointed out.
  • Slowly lift your heels up, stand on your toes, and lower yourself back down.
  • Do 2 to 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
  • Now, stand with your big toes together and heels far apart.
  • Slowly lift your heels up, stand on your toes, and lower yourself back down.
  • Do 2 to 3 sets of 12 repetitions.

Here is another link for all around great stretches!

Happy jogging! :)

Day 3

2 Miles

Oops! I missed Wednesday's run due to waking up super late and then passing out EARLY (about 10pm).. but Thursday morning I got up and after dropping the hubby off at school, I went to 24 Hour in DT Seattle. In my Vibrams, I ran on the treadmill for 2 miles, going from about 3.5 to 6 speed and a 9 incline to 0 incline, slower I went, the higher to incline.

It was a great workout, and by the end of 2 miles, my calves were throughly sore and I was drenched in sweat. Yay for morning workouts!

I am about to go on another run now. I have to do the treadmill at home until I find my little pocket for my Nike+ so I can attach it to my Vibrams.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2

Fartlek 3.5 Miles.

I trained in my Nike shoes today. I took the advice of the sales guy and am training in both the Vibrams and regular running shoes. I do prefer Asics to any other shoe, as they feel like I'm running on clouds, but I bought these Nike shoes to try out the Nike+ training band. I like it a lot because I know how far I've gone, how long I've been running, what my pace is (doesn't matter to me yet) and it will track all that info on the website.

I live in the suburbs in the middle of lots of hills and trails.  Most of my jog/walking today was on sidewalks while dodging the ice patches along the way.

Well, I attempted to do some fartlek training. It is Swedish for "speed play" or something of that sort. I would walk, then jog to a street lamp ahead of me, then walk and then spot a stop sign ahead, run, etc. I got lost in my neighborhoods, but overall, it was refreshing in the icy cold morning!  I'm glad my hubby let me borrow his beanie otherwise I get intense earaches running in chilly temps. :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 1


Wait a minute, that doesn't make sense. I thought rest came on Day 7.
I started a running routine found on and luckily for me, I started on Monday, the day of rest!

Unluckily for me, today is the day that my adult volleyball league plays - and I forgot all my gym clothes/shoes at home.

I ran over... No, I DROVE over to REI during lunch to pick up some clothes and I heard about how awesome Vibram shoes are, so I tried them on there. I tried on the Bikila's.  I've been warned that getting them on can be tricky, but I'm up for a good challenge.  I put my toes in first and then slid the shoe over my heel. By slid, I mean I tugged and pulled and wiggled. Once I got them on, they were quite comfortable! I don't normally like anything in between my toes, but I didn't even notice it much. My good friend Michelle pointed out that I looked like a Gecko, not only that, but also they only had a size 38 - smallest size they had, but still too big. I tried them out on the handy rocky path anyway, and they were surprisingly comfortable! I did not feel the rocks poking my feet like I thought I would.

Then the gentleman helping me with my shoes brought out a size 37 KSO in all black and they fit my size 6-6.5 (US)  feet perfectly!  They also felt surprisingly comfortable on the rocks and walking too. I immediately picked them up along with shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Did you know they don't sell running t-shirts at REI when it's all wintery and snowy in Seattle?

I've heard at least three times at the store how to "Take it slow at first" with the Vibrams as you can injure yourself easily by overusing muscles that aren't used to being used.  Don't worry people. I'm going to take it slow, I haven't even started yet!  Good advice though, so I don't start my training with that 10 mile run that I've been eyeing. *Rolls eyes* The salesperson told me to train with both shoes and the Vibrams to increase my time while teaching my muscles how to wear the Vibrams.  I will have to read into this further.

I had intended to buy the shoes today, but it was perfect timing as I needed shoes for volleyball, as I forgot everything at home.  I was worried about it hurting to jump, rolling an ankle, etc. Other than missing my first serve (there's a completely different kind of step - ball of foot first, not heel), everything else was FANTASTIC! SO COMFORTABLE! It was quite unbelievable! It was really like I was running around barefoot, but with much more support, no worries about rolling onto my ankle.  Another plus is that it did not scuff or mark the court at all, which I was worried about with the black soles.

:) To say the least, on my "day of rest" my body is extremely tired and sore - not sure if that's because I haven't played volleyball in a while, if it's because I'm using those unused muscles, or if it was my mini kettleball workout this morning at 5am. Probably a little bit of everything. And all of me right now is saying, time for BED! I will try to wake up at 5am every day to either work out or run :)

Goal: SEATTLE ROCK 'N' ROLL HALF-MARATHON JUNE 25TH, 2011! I just signed up this weekend! Wish me luck!
